Who´s Stopping Us
220 min.
Production company Los ilusos films
Direction and Screenplay Jonás Trueba
Production Javier Lafuente, Jonás Trueba, Lorena Tudela y Laura Renau
Exectutive production Javier Lafuente
Edition Marta Velasco
Sound Editing and Mixing Eduardo Castro y Pablo Rivas Leyva
Music Rafael Berrio, Andrei Mazga, Víctor Perales, Pablo Gavira y Alberto González
Cast Candela Recio · Pablo Hoyos · Silvio Aguilar · Rony-Michelle Pinzaru · Pablo Gavira · Marta Casado · Sancho Javierez
original language SPANISH | subtítles ENGLISH, FRENCH | format 2K | aspect ratio 1,85:1 | sound 5.1 | COLOR | NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OLD
Who’s Stopping Us is a declaration of intent, starting with its title; a call to transform our perception of adolescents and youth, the generation born at the turn of the 21st century. They have just come of age in 2020 and are now blamed for everything as they see their hopes dwindle. In a mix of documentary, fiction, and purely testimonial records, these young teens show themselves as they are–which we seldom see or rarely are permitted to see– as they make the most of the cinematic camera to show themselves at their best and give us faith in the future once more. They do so with fragility, emotion, humor, intelligence, conviction, and ideas. These young people speak to us of love, friendship, politics, and education, and not just about their own lives but rather what has always mattered most to us all, at any age. Who’s Stopping Us is a film about us: about what we were, what we are, and what we will continue to be.