The Girls Are Alright
85 min.
Production company Los ilusos films
Direction and Screenplay Itsaso Arana
Production Jonás Trueba y Javier Lafuente
Executive production Javier Lafuente
Edition Marta Velasco
Cinematography Sara Gallego
Art Direction & Costume Design Laura Renau
Sound Carla Silván
Sound Design and Mixing Pablo Rivas Leyva
Make up & Hair Sara Ayala
Music J.S. Bach, Keith Jarret, Niño Josele
Cast Bárbara Lennie · Irene Escolar · Itziar Manero · Helena Ezquerro · Itsaso Arana · Gonzalo Herrero · Julia León · Mercedes Unzeta
original language SPANISH & EUSKERA | subtítles ENGLISH, FRENCH | format 2K | aspect ratio 1:1,66 | sound 5.1 | COLOR | SUITABLE FOR ANY AUDIENCE | funded by GOBIERNO DE ESPAÑA – ICAA
A group of young women gather at a house in the country for a week one summer to rehearse a play. During their time together, they share their knowledge of friendship, acting, love, being orphans, and death, with the secret hope that sharing ourselves makes us better people. The girls are alright is a summer story about princesses, horses, toads, a fire, a party, a river, lots of letters, and even a confused prince. It’s a short journey where these girls (who may not really be ‘all right’) manage in the end to be all right together.