flecha abajo

The August Virgin

129 min.

Production company Los ilusos films
Direction Jonás Trueba
Production Javier Lafuente y Jonás Trueba
Exectutive production Javier Lafuente
Screenplay Jonás Trueba e Itsaso Arana
Edition Marta Velasco
Cinematography Santiago Racaj
Art Direction Miguel Ángel Rebollo
Costume Design Laura Renau
Make up & Hair Daryana Orbegozo
Sound Amanda Villavieja
Sound Editing and Mixing Eduardo Castro
Music Soleá Morente

Cast Itsaso Arana · Vito Sanz · Isabelle Stoffel · Joe Manjon · María Herrador · Mikele Urroz · Luis Heras · Naiara Carmona · Simon Pritchard · Sigfrid Monleón · Francesco Carril · Violeta Rebollo

original language SPANISH  |  subtítles ENGLISH, FRENCH  |  format 2K  |  aspect ratio 1,85:1 |  sound 5.1  |  COLOR  | NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OLD

Eva is about to turn 33 and her decision to stay in Madrid in August has become an act of faith. The days and nights arise as times for opportunities, and during the open-air summer celebrations Eva meets other people whom she tries to help, without realising that she is actually helping herself. The August Virgin is a diary-film: the intimate journey of a woman in search of revelations; a rather philosophical and somewhat mystical summer story which is fun and festive from start to finish.
