You Have to Come to See It
64 min.
Production company Los ilusos films
Direction and Screenplay Jonás Trueba
Production Javier Lafuente y Jonás Trueba
Executive production Javier Lafuente
Edition Marta Velasco
Cinematography Santiago Racaj
Art Direction Miguel Ángel Rebollo
Costume Design Laura Renau
Sound Álvaro Silva Wuth
Sound Editing and Mixing Eduardo Castro
Cast Itsaso Arana · Vito Sanz · Francesco Carril · Irene Escolar
original language SPANISH | subtítles ENGLISH, FRENCH | format 2K | aspect ratio 1,85:1 | sound 5.1 | COLOR | SUITABLE FOR ANY AUDIENCE
Two couples who are friends meet up. They listen to music, talk, read, eat, take a walk, play ping pong… it may sound like not much for a movie, so that’s why You Have To Come And See It.