flecha abajo

The Other Way Around

112 min.

Production company Los ilusos films
Director Jonás Trueba
Screenplay Itsaso Arana, Vito Sanz, and Jonás Trueba
Production Jonás Trueba and Javier Lafuente Executive production Javier Lafuente
Editing Marta Velasco
Cinematography Santiago Racaj
Art direction Miguel Ángel Rebollo
Costume design Laura Renau
Makeup and hair Chicha Blanco
Sound: Álvaro Silva
Sound design and mixing Pablo Rivas Leyva
Sound editing Raquel Martín
Music Adiós amores

Cast Itsaso Arana · Vito Sanz ·

original language SPANISH | subtitles ENGLISH, FRENCH | format 2K | aspect ratio 1:1.85 | sound 5.1 | COLOR | NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER 7 YEARS OLD | with funding from the ICAA MINISTRY OF CULTURE – GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN | distributed by ELASTICA

After 15 years together, Ale and Alex have come up with the crazy idea of throwing a party to celebrate their recent break up. While their close ones are quite skeptical, they seem to be sure of their decision. Or are they really?